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Preservation Week 2015 Quiz from the State Archives and State Library of North Carolina

What are the key environmental factors that place collections at risk?

When CDs first went on the market, sellers often claimed that the disks could last up to 200 years. Today, experts estimate that a CD will last how long if left on the shelf?

Roughly, what percentage of cultural institutions need additional conservation/ preservation training for their staff and volunteers?

Which of the following outdated digital media is NOT in the picture below?

obsolete media 20150422

True or False: Paper quality is affected by the materials it is produced from.

What steps can you take to preserve your digital photographs?

True or False: A majority of collecting institutions, more than 80%, do not have a disaster plan in place that can executed by trained staff.

What kind of computer can open the files on this 3.5” floppy disk from 1990?

Dysan floppy disk 01

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